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Big Birthdays
Big Birthdays

Milestone Birthday Holidays

Congratulations on reaching that milestone birthday. You are now officially in your prime, still looking fabulous and with the added benefit of all those years of wisdom and experience. Yes, you could have a party, but why not do something truly memorable with friends, family or just with your partner, husband or wife.

Whether you're reaching your 30th birthday or your 50th, a holiday to celebrate your coming of age is a great way to mark your big day and give you memories to last a lifetime. Here at American Realtors Inc, we have organised birthday trips throughout the world, from helicopter wine tasting in New Zealand, gardening tours of South Africa with a bit of wine tasting thrown in, to island hoping in the South Pacific, even a road trip in a sports car through the very heart of Australia. You have asked for birthday ideas and we have delivered.

You may have a time and place in mind to celebrate your milestone birthday. Perhaps you would love to watch the sunrise over Yasawa Island in Fiji’s northern archipelago on the 25th June for your 40th birthday? Maybe there is an event or festival you have always wanted to attend that would be perfect for celebrating your 50th? Cricket in Sri Lanka or how about the Todd River Race in Australia? The unusual, the quirky and the downright odd can all be catered for! Even if you just want a good fashioned beach getaway, we have access to world’s most iconic private islands and sublime beachfront hotels… Just contact us, sit back and we will have you on a beautiful beach sipping a gin and tonic, with the freshest local lemons in a truly unforgettable destination before you know it!

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