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Multi destination honeymoons
Twin Centre

Twin Centre & Multi Destination Honeymoons

At Turquoise we love twin centre honeymoons. Not only are they a great way to break-up long flights, but they give couples the chance to enjoy several different destinations and experiences. Whether you’re simply stopping off for a few days before you head to your ‘ultimate destination’ or splitting your time evenly between two destinations, we have a great range of multi destination honeymoon packages to choose from.

Firstly you should work out what kind of twin centre honeymoon you’re looking for. If you simply want to break up the journey, then a city stop is ideal. For instance if you’re heading to Bora Bora or Tahiti, you could fly via Los Angeles and spend a few days seeing the sights, shopping and eating out in some of the world’s best restaurants. Or, maybe travel the other way and stop off in bustling Hong Kong or Bangkok before heading on to somewhere like Fiji or Australia? Or stop over in Dubai or o before flying on to the Maldives. A city stop is a great way to squeeze some shopping, sight-seeing and culture into a beach break.

Another idea is to split your honeymoon evenly between two different destinations, thereby enjoying two holidays in one. Obvious examples are safari/beach combinations such as Tanzania or Kenya twinned with Zanzibar or the Seychelles, or perhaps South Africa or Botswana twinned with Mozambique or Mauritius. You could even have a twin centre honeymoon in the same country – combining for example a trip to mainland Australia with Tasmania, or holidaying on two of Tahiti’s islands.

If a beach/culture mix is more to your taste, then South-East Asia is a great place to think about. You could visit the stunning temples of Cambodia’s Angkor Wat and then head off to Thailand’s beautiful beaches, throwing in a stop in Bangkok along the way. Or even combine a trip to up-and-coming destinations like Laos and Vietnam and fully immerse yourself in their fascinating cultures. All-in-all, you really can’t go wrong with a twin centre honeymoon.

Arrival jetty in Turquoise waters at Bawah Reserve
Arrival jetty in Turquoise waters at Bawah Reserve

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